Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Tiger and the Pretty White Girl

The title of this blog sounds like it should begin with “once upon a time”, however, this is not an imaginary story and its happened more than once and the time is now. After a little hiatus from blogging recent events have stirred something up inside of me that I had to address on this keyboard and that America needs to address in general. And what is this issue that needs to be addressed? Its how America treats and deals with its most precious resource. No, not natural gas or children. I mean its MOST precious resource.

Pretty White Girls!!!

There is nothing that America values more than its pretty white girls. And every black celebrity had better take note of that. Pretty white girls are untouchable. They are princesses and virgins, pure as the driven snow ::sarcasm::. And any black man attempting to contaminate or mistreat one will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I wish I was joking. But media history has shown this to be 100% truth.

We all know how only 50-60 years ago black men were beaten and killed for just LOOKING at white women. Well that over protective attitude has not disappeared. Its barely changed. In fact now, its morphed into “ok, we’ll let you date and have sex and marry our white women, but the minute you fuck up, BAM, we’re hanging you.” And this has happened to every major black celebrity that has been involved with a scandal with a white woman. Most recently is Tiger Woods. Here is a man that is now regarded as the most dominant figure and famous man in sports. He is a hero to many and role model to almost everyone. For golf. Not for the way he lived his life, his humanitarian efforts, his strong spiritual background or his patriotism, FOR GOLF. Outside of the golf tournaments and the little bit of papparazi moments we’ve gotten, we have no idea what this man was like behind closed doors. But Buick and Gatorade still loved him. And so did we. And now we found out he cheated on his wife and he is a monster, whose actions are reprehensible. He is the poster child for immorality and despicable behavior. Really? First, I don’t condone infidelity. Tiger is wrong for cheating on his wife, no question about that. But we didn’t adorn him with the title “Most Dominant Sports Figure” for his ability to be loyal. So why the sudden disdain for the man? Not just because he cheated.

But because he cheated on a white woman.

Some of the biggest celebrities in the world have cheated on their wives. Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant and Bill Clinton to name a few. But outside of Clinton (who was President so that trumps everything) the only difference with these other celebrities and why they weren’t crucified for their indiscretions is because their wives weren’t white. These were also the most dominant figures in sports at one time and their “trangressions” passed through the media quite easily. Oh people spoke about it and shook their heads, but they still retained their greatness. But when you look at celebrities like OJ, even though he was never convicted of it, committed the most heinous crime against a pretty white girl, the media and the public are calling for blood. I honestly believe this is the very reason why McCain choose Palin over much more qualified female candidates. See those other, more qualified candidates, just weren’t pretty white girls. And you’re allowed to talk crap about ugly people regardless of race. But he knew that America would never allow Obama to say one negative thing about Palin, his pretty white girl. A fact that Obama was careful to acknowledge.

The media’s coverage of missing people only extends to pretty white girls. Paris Hilton and countless other worthless celebrities get fame for merely being rich pretty white girls. You would think that Girls Gone Wild videos would ruin the lives of tons of pretty white girls, but it doesn’t and they know it won’t. Because they are still looked at as precious commodities. Troubled youths who had a moment of immaturity and should be forgiven. Their lives are not ruined, not over, in fact, that’s just the beginning of illustrious career of half-assing their way through life because they are pretty….and white.

Yes, this is America’s greatest resource. The fairy tale princess. Disney’s model of beauty and purity. And black celebrities had better remember it. Or pay the consequences.