Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Leah George: ‘I believe in miracles… where you from? You sexy thing.’

At the risk of sounding like a crazy stalker, I just want to tell you how much I love you. You are the only thing on RNews that makes sitting through 5 minutes of Dan Eaton’s drizzle coated Pesto sauces even remotely tolerable.

When I first saw you on TV, I thought you were cute, but I honestly didn’t pay that much attention. Over the past year, I have seen you out in public about six times… at Matthews, at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, at the Jazz Fest, at East End Fest, at the That Taste Of Rochester, etc. Well now I just can’t get you out of my head.

You are easily the most beautiful news anchor in Rochester. In fact, you look way better in person than you do on television. I know some locals will argue that Jennifer Johnson is the best looking media personality in the area, but I firmly disagree. I actually saw Jennifer about 30 minutes after you walked by me at The Taste Of Rochester and I must say… it’s not even a contest. In Jennifer’s defense, I’m not a big fan of blondes. Yes, she is an attractive woman, but she is no Leah George.

I personally think you crush Jennifer in every category. I may get in trouble for this one, but Jennifer seems just a bit too cocky. Granted, I’ve never spoken to her, but she tends to carry herself a bit high. Perhaps I’m way off base on this, so Jennifer… if you do read this, I’d be more than happy to share a cocktail with you and straighten this whole situation out… but in the meantime, I suggest you bow to the Queen of Roc… Miss Leah George.

I could be way off base here, but you don’t seem to be as full of yourself as Jennifer. Every time I see you out, you appear to be having a great time. You seem approachable, fun, and WOW… what a body! You are absolutely stunning from every angle. I’m sorry gorgeous… I just can’t scratch the ‘itch.’ Miss Monroe would roll over in her grave if she saw you walk over a steam vent in a white dress.

I won’t go into further detail for fear of sounding even more ridiculous than I already do, but I just want to give you props where props are due. Hopefully next time I see you out, we can share a drink or two. Perhaps a bottle of Riesling on the deck at the Pelican’s Nest or a boat ride down the canal in the moonlight. In the meantime, make it do what it do and stay beautiful.

Your fan...



  1. You must be talking about some other Leah George. Leah George is one of the most self-absorbed people I have ever come across and is NOT all that attractive. It's funny, cause I've only heard people ever say the opposite... that she, at times, looks great on the news and in person is a real disappointment. You must have a thing for big noses and arrogance.
    I went to high school with her, trust me she is not laid back and doesn't give a shit about anyone else.
    Go on thinking she fabulous. She does too.

  2. I'm with anonymous... ugh, in person a dog and she does think that she is fabulous. arrogance is a turn-off in my book. i was going through all the updated bios on ynn. she thinks doing the morning annocements in high school is something to brag about when she's 30ish(?). not only that, she's trying to act like she is some great citizen by volunteering for who?! I can't stand people that think there great... for doing what?

  3. Can someone explain this guy to me?
    You know, I found this on accident and I couldn't agree more with these two anonymous posts. My wife knows some of the people she grew up with and I've never heard much good about her. I see her as thinking she's a big fish and fabulous. She's never left this area and I think reality would hit hard if she ever did. She's not all that great at what she does... and probably got the job in the first place because the r news director is from geneva.
    We rarely watch YNN, like most I think it's only out of desperation when there is no other news on. It seems every time Leah is on, my wife has some comment about what Leah has chosen to wear that day. "Someone help her, please!"
    I guess if you compare her to rebecca or janet lomax (who actually has a classy fashion sense) she is average looking. average. and at least those two are good at their jobs.
    But what's written above boggles my mind... oh and i've heard you would have no problem getting with her. even the people at the fire department refer to her as a whore. oh, and how could i forget, she seduced her high school teacher. HO!

  4. Are you people serious?!? You really need to get a life. I went to college with Leah and worked at TV station and radio station with her and can tell you she's one of the hardest working, caring and compassionate journalists I've ever met. And yes, Nuke, she's beautiful outside and in. It's too bad that you people who "claim" to know her live such sad little lives that you'd annonymously cut someone down who's actually done something with their life. What is it you all do again? Just wondering so others can annonymously judge.

  5. What!?! You forgot the best part, her voice! Leah George can whisper nasty nothings in my ear ALL NIGT LONG!!!!
