Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Who Moved My Cheese?!!!!

A close friend of mine once recommended a book to me titled “Who Moved My Cheese?” which was a great book about change and how people are very relunctant, almost opposed, to change. I’ve thought about that a lot recently because in my experiences I have come across people who so much want their lives to change. They want better jobs, better relationships, better experiences, all which are a CHANGE from what they are going through now. And its understandable because who wouldn’t want our lives to be better. Who wouldn’t want things to CHANGE for the better. Where herein lies the problem.

Change means something different. And many times it means something different from us. It means to change our attitudes, our outlooks, our perspectives and our actions. But most people want change to magically happen. They want it to just spring up out of the blue where suddenly they have a better job or their job environment is dramatically improved. They want their relationships to be more fulfilling, more fun, more exciting. But what people miss is that for all these changes that they want in all these different areas the one aspect of it that remains the same is them.

Many of us have heard, and even quoted, the phrase

If you want something you've never had before, you must be willing to do something you've never done.

Man, that sounds good. Saying it to someone else makes you sound so profound. But what’s more profound is applying it to yourself. You want your job situation to improve DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. You want your relationship to get better DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. If you are walking around doing the same thing when you got on your knees and said your heartfelt prayer about how you want the Lord to make things better in your life and then after you said “amen” went right back to doing the same things that you were doing before, don’t be surprised if your prayer goes unanswered. Its true, the Lord helps those that help themselves. Well start helping yourself. Get better training, dress differently, improve your vocabulary, learn a new skill and maybe your job situation will improve. Or tell your significant other you love them more, be more affectionate, be more trusting, open yourself up more and maybe your relationship will get better. Change your attitude, change your perspective on life and maybe your experiences will change.

Please check out the book I recommended and see how change is not about others. Its about yourself.

Cashmere the PRO aka RJ


  1. A reason people fear change is the same reason people so rarely follow their dreams: what happens when that which has been seen as the answer becomes reality and the question remains? I know too many who would rather rot in the familiar confines of their misery than risk the unknown.

    Don't know if I'll read the book (I'm terrible at taking book recommendations and have a couple I'm going through right now-maybe I too fear change!), but I've heard good things.

  2. Its a very short book. Probably as many pages as a "Choose Your Own Adventure" story.

  3. SO many people are afraid of trying something different.My biggest thing is thinking i may fail.But how will I know if I don't try.I needed that.
