Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Tiger and the Pretty White Girl

The title of this blog sounds like it should begin with “once upon a time”, however, this is not an imaginary story and its happened more than once and the time is now. After a little hiatus from blogging recent events have stirred something up inside of me that I had to address on this keyboard and that America needs to address in general. And what is this issue that needs to be addressed? Its how America treats and deals with its most precious resource. No, not natural gas or children. I mean its MOST precious resource.

Pretty White Girls!!!

There is nothing that America values more than its pretty white girls. And every black celebrity had better take note of that. Pretty white girls are untouchable. They are princesses and virgins, pure as the driven snow ::sarcasm::. And any black man attempting to contaminate or mistreat one will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I wish I was joking. But media history has shown this to be 100% truth.

We all know how only 50-60 years ago black men were beaten and killed for just LOOKING at white women. Well that over protective attitude has not disappeared. Its barely changed. In fact now, its morphed into “ok, we’ll let you date and have sex and marry our white women, but the minute you fuck up, BAM, we’re hanging you.” And this has happened to every major black celebrity that has been involved with a scandal with a white woman. Most recently is Tiger Woods. Here is a man that is now regarded as the most dominant figure and famous man in sports. He is a hero to many and role model to almost everyone. For golf. Not for the way he lived his life, his humanitarian efforts, his strong spiritual background or his patriotism, FOR GOLF. Outside of the golf tournaments and the little bit of papparazi moments we’ve gotten, we have no idea what this man was like behind closed doors. But Buick and Gatorade still loved him. And so did we. And now we found out he cheated on his wife and he is a monster, whose actions are reprehensible. He is the poster child for immorality and despicable behavior. Really? First, I don’t condone infidelity. Tiger is wrong for cheating on his wife, no question about that. But we didn’t adorn him with the title “Most Dominant Sports Figure” for his ability to be loyal. So why the sudden disdain for the man? Not just because he cheated.

But because he cheated on a white woman.

Some of the biggest celebrities in the world have cheated on their wives. Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant and Bill Clinton to name a few. But outside of Clinton (who was President so that trumps everything) the only difference with these other celebrities and why they weren’t crucified for their indiscretions is because their wives weren’t white. These were also the most dominant figures in sports at one time and their “trangressions” passed through the media quite easily. Oh people spoke about it and shook their heads, but they still retained their greatness. But when you look at celebrities like OJ, even though he was never convicted of it, committed the most heinous crime against a pretty white girl, the media and the public are calling for blood. I honestly believe this is the very reason why McCain choose Palin over much more qualified female candidates. See those other, more qualified candidates, just weren’t pretty white girls. And you’re allowed to talk crap about ugly people regardless of race. But he knew that America would never allow Obama to say one negative thing about Palin, his pretty white girl. A fact that Obama was careful to acknowledge.

The media’s coverage of missing people only extends to pretty white girls. Paris Hilton and countless other worthless celebrities get fame for merely being rich pretty white girls. You would think that Girls Gone Wild videos would ruin the lives of tons of pretty white girls, but it doesn’t and they know it won’t. Because they are still looked at as precious commodities. Troubled youths who had a moment of immaturity and should be forgiven. Their lives are not ruined, not over, in fact, that’s just the beginning of illustrious career of half-assing their way through life because they are pretty….and white.

Yes, this is America’s greatest resource. The fairy tale princess. Disney’s model of beauty and purity. And black celebrities had better remember it. Or pay the consequences.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Are we there yet?

This all too familiar backseat cadence has plagued family vacations since the invention of the automobile. As kids, we loved dropping the “are we there yet?” on our parents. Unfortunately, it tends to lose its humor value once you become the parent. It’s just simply not that amusing when you’re attempting to navigate an SUV across three lanes of interstate traffic to the island sounds of Spongebob Squarepants. Yes Mom and Dad… now we know what it feels like.

But let’s be honest… kids aren’t stupid. They know damn well we aren’t there yet. The answer is never a “yes, we’re there.” This question is rarely, if ever, answered with a sound “yes” or “no.” Instead, they tend take a different shape: “Does it look like we’re there yet?” “Ask again and we won’t be going anywhere.” And even the borderline inappropriate “Shut up before I throw your PSP out the window and fasten your mouth closed with the seatbelt.”

But the truth of the matter is that no one will ever get a firm “yes.” Everyone in the vehicle knows you’re not there or you’d be there. The car is still moving, the kids are still yelling, and your spouse is still arguing with the GPS. “No damnit! We are not there yet!” So how do you know when you’re there? Well, now that’s a good question.

As we grow older, “are we there yet” begins to take new meaning. “Is this where I’m supposed to be? Is this is good as life is gonna get? Have I reached my peak? Have I progressed and achieved success in relationships and in my career? Am I happy? Where am I going?” Ironically, we spend our childhood joking about why it’s taking so long to get to a destination, never understanding the true complexity of the question when applied to our ambitions.

I guess if you find yourself asking “am I there yet,” you probably aren’t there. As kids, we knew that at some point, we would be there. It may take a couple naps and a few slugfests with your siblings, but eventually you’d have a chance to massage out the numbness in your left cheek. Once real life kicks in, you may spend years grinding it out on your leather ass without ever putting the car in park.

Just like those family trips in the station wagon, life’s journey requires quite a bit of planning. You can’t expect to reach your destination without mapping out a solid course. And perhaps that’s the one thing many of us overlook. Instead of putting together a 1-year, 2-year, or 5-year plan, we simply assume that if we keep driving we’ll eventually get there. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. In order to truly achieve the success we desire, it may be helpful to install a primary navigation system.

If you’re still struggling to keep the car on the road, writing out a plan of action can help. Parking your goals next to the rusty ideas in your head will only make it that much easier to dump them into the incinerator when things aren’t working out as expected. Yes, it would be nice if we could simply enter our 5-year coordinates into a GPS device and let a soothing voice direct us to the pot of gold. But for now, we’ll have to find our own path. So get out that notebook and start planning, because on the road of life, you’re likely to run into construction, roadblocks, and hordes of idiot drivers. But that's nothing you can't handle with a little preparation and a set of new tires. Giddy-up.

Nuke -The Truth-

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jay-Z - The Blueprint 3 review

Jay-Z - The Blueprint 3
RocNation, 2009

Just in case you missed the first two installments, the Michael Jordan of rap has returned yet again to map out another blueprint for the industry. The Blueprint 3 tries to stack up against its predecessors, but falls a bit flat of rewriting history. Don’t get me wrong, Jay-Z is arguably the best to ever do it and there’s definitely a good chunk of solid music here to sink your teeth into. Unfortunately, the overall experience feels more like a Chinese buffet than a square meal—initially satisfying but leaving you hungry for more almost immediately after consumption.

When I first listened to The Blueprint 3, it was hard to ignore the initial assessments, printed reviews, and forum banter. The overall consensus is that The Blueprint 3 is an exceptional album, but perhaps this is actually just an indication of how stagnant the game is in 2009. Although this isn’t Jay’s best work, it still manages to stay afloat in today’s watered down market. Don’t get it twisted; Jay is a beast, combining his airtight cadence with clever wordplay and veteran charisma, but something is missing here. Although Jay tries to shift create an album suitable for old school heads, the underlying themes here don’t feel mature or inspired.

That being said, The Blueprint 3 is still an enjoyable experience, even if it does fail to harness the replay value of efforts like Reasonable Doubt, The Blueprint, The Black Album, and even American Gangster (which is a far more enjoyable experience in terms of content). The Blueprint 3 opens with the ambient Kanye West/No I.D. production “What We Talkin’ About.” Here Kanye swaps his traditional time-shifted vocal samples for atmospheric chords and plodding drums, creating a subtle backdrop for Jay to address critics, the game, politics, and the current economic situation.

The rest of the album flirts with this type of mellow production: beats are stripped of typical head nodding drums and orchestrated samples are often swapped for heavy synthesizers. This vibe carries over into “Thank You,” another Kanye and No I.D. beat collaboration that bounces along over a subdued big band loop and reverb-heavy snare. Although the production is far from lackluster, I can’t help but feel like Jay has recorded this song about six times already. You won’t find much replay value here minus some cagey lyrics like “Heaven knows that I've made my mistakes/ Thank God what a guy as I say my grace /Who woulda thought by making birds migrate/For the winter I be fly all summer might I say.”

In the grand scheme of things, the neck-snapping No I.D. produced single “D.O.A.” seems a bit out of place, especially when The Blueprint 3 isn’t exactly deprived of auto-tuned vocals. However, this is easily one of the better tracks on the album as Jay massacres the current T-Pain trend with scalding ferocity… uh! Here the album begins to gain some momentum with the second single, “Run This Town” featuring Rihanna and Kanye West and the NY anthem “Empire State Of Mind” featuring Alicia Keys.

“Empire State Of Mind” is arguably the best track on the album. Jay paints a vivid portrait of the Big Apple’s conflicting themes with commentary like “Hail Mary to the city you’re a Virgin/And Jesus can’t save you, life starts when the church ends/ Came here for school, graduated to the high life/Ball players, rap stars, addicted to the limelight/MDMA got you feeling like a champion/The city never sleeps better slip you an Ambien.” I also have to tip my hat to Jay for reaching out to the gorgeous and talented Alicia Keys. She sounds absolutely stunning on the song’s hook, channeling Broadway’s infectious blacktop energy with soulful passion.

“Real As It Gets” featuring Young Jeezy tries to keep the momentum going but fails to really make an imprint. This isn’t a terrible cut, but I was expecting something epic from Jay and Jeezy. Instead, we’re greeted with familiar ‘top of the world’ subject matter and production that sounds more like a movie soundtrack than a platform for two giants to scale.

The Swizz Beatz crafted “On To The Next One” is quite possibly one of the most irritating songs I’ve ever heard on an album of this caliber. Swizz often gets criticized for his lazy production, but you can’t completely discredit the guy. He’s definitely made his mark and created some memorable beats for the industry’s best... this is definitely not one of them. I can imagine Guantanamo Bay guards using this track to torture prisoners into revealing the location of terrorist cells on US soil.

Timbaland makes a few appearances on the album with the songs “Off That” featuring Drake, “Venus vs. Mars,” and “Reminder.” Even though Jay has received some criticism for the Timbaland tracks he selected for The Blueprint 3, I think all three are pretty fresh. On “Venus vs. Mars,” Jay flips a back and forth flow over filtered string samples, eerie synths, and hollow kicks. Here Jay uses a relationship with a female companion to construct some of the most jaw dropping lyrical content on the album. Instead of simply rehashing the typical “Me And My Girlfriend” format, Jay does his best yin and yang impression:

Hov’s a Blackberry Bold, Shawty’s a Sidekick
She used to have a man, I used to have a side chick
Shawty got wind, I had to blow the chick off
Got rid of him, they both took the sh!t hard
Shawty play the piano, me I play the white keys
Shawty from the south, oh I think she like me
Shawty like Pac, me Big Poppa
Screaming hit em up, I’m screaming who shot ya.

The rest of The Blueprint 3 is pretty hit and miss. On “A Star Is Born” featuring ‘rated rookie’ J Cole, Jay creates a timeline of his career, paying homage to the artists he battled and befriended along the way. “Already Home” featuring Kid Cudi and the Neptune’s produced “So Ambitious” show signs of life but are easy skips if you’re looking for something more uptempo. “Hate” sees a return to traditional Kanye territory as an auto-tuned vocal loop allows Jay and Kanye to vent their frustration for—yes, you guessed it—haters.

Borrowing a sample from Alphaville’s familiar “Forever Young,” the album closes with “Young Forever,” a nod to living a remarkable and inspirational life. Ironically, this could be the reason The Blueprint 3 doesn’t really fulfill my expectations. Instead of giving us a focused album, Jay tries to balance familiar ‘living large’ themes with the vision of a successful adult. Unfortunately, it fails to capture the true essence of NY hip hop or the maturity and hindsight of a grown man who’s seen the game from every angle. We know the architect is capable of crafting a monumental product, but attempting to build a revolutionary home from this blueprint will ultimately result in an unstable foundation.

As a rap album, 4 out of 5
As a Jay-Z album – 3.5 out of 5

Nuke -The Truth-

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Redskins' Prayer

Sun - 9/13/09
I was at the bar watching the Dolphins when my phone died at about 3:30 ... 45 minutes before the Skins/Giants game jumped off. By the time I got the thing recharged, we were 3 quarters in and I had racked up 38 text messages, the majority from 4 cousins and my brother. Actually, I'm not even sure my brother joined in the text barrage. This may have been the combined work of 4 cousins and a couple friends. I started to shuffle through all my messages, unearthing gems like:

'fuck aikman'
'we are not very good'
'we blow'
'we need a new qb, a new coach, a new o line'
'Campbell reminds me of Forest Gump, but without the heart and brains. Actually, that statement is an insult to Forest. Forest was an All American for the Crimson Tide and would have been a great NFL player if it wasn't for that damn Vietnam War and the injury he sustained to his buttocks.'
'Cornerbacks are losing the game for us. Plus we suck and have campbell and zorn.'
'Unfucking believable'
'This could be a blow out'
'WTF is with this playcalling? Who's coaching this team? Tom Landry?'
'I feel bad you have to watch Campbell stink up the joint all day.'

Jammed in the middle of curse word combos and cries of disgust, I found a prayer my cousin Bill penned before kickoff. So without further adieu, I give you the Redskins prayer:

As the opening game of the season nears, I only have a few simple requests of the Football gods. Please, let the Redskins play football like men this year. Please let the offensive line play much bigger than their puny selves. Please turn Jason Campbell into a superstar with some fire in his belly and balls as big as those famous Redskins quarterbacks of yore. Please keep our superstars healthy. Please tell Zorn that he cannot dink and dunk the ball all day long, especially on 3rd and long. And lastly, oh gods of the almighty pigskin, if you could please let us beat the shit out of the 'insert team of choice' today. Is this is too much to ask, then fuck you, fuck aikman, and fuck all the teams we play, because Redskins fans around the globe are counting on you to deliver us to the promised land. Amen! Hail to the Redskins! Hail Victory! Go Skins!

Nuke -The Truth-

Monday, August 10, 2009


Sorry for the delay. But I didn't wanna just push out some b.s. on something so serious. (yeah, right, lol)

The second reason I would have to associate with black men cheating is self-esteem. Let's not confuse self-esteem with swagger, confidence or conceit. Those three are personality or surface traits. Things that can be turned off or on when necessary. Self-esteem goes deeper. How you view yourself speaks into what motivates you when nobody's looking. It's a character trait. It's the reason why even the most beautiful women can feel bad about their looks or feel insecure. This is a main area that black men are especially good at masking. We are very good at playing it like we have high self-esteem when deep down we are dealing with all kinds of insecurities. "Do I look good enough", "do I make enough money", "do I dress nice enough", etc. And within the black community there are several catalyst for opening up these insecurities.

Our culture focuses and puts so much emphasis on materialism, cultivating your outward appearance, and sexual prowess. Look at the music which has in the past and currently represents our community. It constantly focuses on how good you should make love to your woman (with r&b) and how many different "hoes" you have and how much of a pimp you are (with rap). This will put a lot of pressure on a man (from personal experience, sheesh ladies, lol). So many black men are going to use their skill in the bedroom as a measure for their self-esteem. Unfortunately, you can't get an accurate measure without testing it on different women. So what you get is a man who's constantly reassuring himself by how many women he can sleep with and how good they tell him he is in bed, even if the main one he is involved with constantly reassures him of this. As far as he's concerned, she's saying that because she loves him and wants to reassure him. His "swagger", his "confidence" is all manufactured to give the appearance of someone with high self-esteem and also because its part of the game. We already know that women are attracted to "confidence" and "swagger". Therefore, those surface traits that we know help us get women are the same ones that we use against women in an effort to make us feel better about ourselves.

I could probably write 10 more pages on this, but I think you understand what I'm talking about. Men are not going to cry or display emotion about our insecurities. We're going to mask them in ways that help us forget. And nothing makes you feel better about yourself than knowing that you can "bag up" any woman you want. You must be the man. Think about it. It occupies so much of our conversation when men get together. It what our music concentrates on. Unfortunately, its what our value system is based on.

Monday, August 3, 2009

This is it!!!! WHY BLACK MEN CHEAT.....PART 1

This is it!!!! WHY BLACK MEN CHEAT.....PART 1

A complicated question deserves a complicated answer. So I had to split this blog into 3 parts and even those 3 parts still won't and couldn't possibly cover everything. Also, this is just an attempt at identifying "why". How to prevent cheating is almost an impossible dream and entirely dependent on the individual. But here's my stab at why black men cheat.

The main reason I would associate with it is Power. Here are some dictionary meanings to the word "power".

1. ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.
2. the possession of control or command over others; authority; ascendancy: power over men's minds.
3. a person or thing that possesses or exercises authority or influence.

Among the physical and psychological needs to eat, breathe, security, fulfillment, and growth is a human need for power. It is ones innate desire to feel in control of their environment and to have an immediate effect on their situation. Sometimes this involves controlling or being in a position of authority over others. And whether this need for power is exerted positively or negatively greatly depends on the individual's personal experiences and background. This feeling of power can come from any area and to satisfy it all an individual has to have is the ability to exert that power. To understand how this relates to cheating, we have to look at the Black Man's need for power and how it can be manifest.

In today's world, specifically white America, Black Men are not empowered, or at least, not made to feel like they are empowered. We're made to feel like we're not in control of our job situation, our education, and our government. (This is very intentional, I would invite everyone to read "The Willie Lynch Papers" and see how slavery was intentionally and purposely devised to emasculate the black man). Even within the black family black men are rarely seen as the leaders with "Big Mamas" and "Nanas" being the strong ones and focal points.

So with all these areas basically negating the black man's power, there is one area where he is in full control. His sexuality. His ability to charm and attract women is directly associated with his need for power. His manipulation over women is directly related with his strength, his prowess, his "ability to do or act; accomplish something". Look at our music. Look at our culture. Black men pride themselves on how much they are "good lovers" and how many women they get and the physical quality of those women. This is constantly reasserted and any comments made to detract from that is directly related to his "manhood", his stature, his POWER.

Because society has taken power from him, the black man seeks to exert is elsewhere, in the area that he has the most control over, who he sleeps with and how often. Could this be directly linked to the black man's self-esteem? Stay tuned for Part 2.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Who Moved My Cheese?!!!!

A close friend of mine once recommended a book to me titled “Who Moved My Cheese?” which was a great book about change and how people are very relunctant, almost opposed, to change. I’ve thought about that a lot recently because in my experiences I have come across people who so much want their lives to change. They want better jobs, better relationships, better experiences, all which are a CHANGE from what they are going through now. And its understandable because who wouldn’t want our lives to be better. Who wouldn’t want things to CHANGE for the better. Where herein lies the problem.

Change means something different. And many times it means something different from us. It means to change our attitudes, our outlooks, our perspectives and our actions. But most people want change to magically happen. They want it to just spring up out of the blue where suddenly they have a better job or their job environment is dramatically improved. They want their relationships to be more fulfilling, more fun, more exciting. But what people miss is that for all these changes that they want in all these different areas the one aspect of it that remains the same is them.

Many of us have heard, and even quoted, the phrase

If you want something you've never had before, you must be willing to do something you've never done.

Man, that sounds good. Saying it to someone else makes you sound so profound. But what’s more profound is applying it to yourself. You want your job situation to improve DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. You want your relationship to get better DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. If you are walking around doing the same thing when you got on your knees and said your heartfelt prayer about how you want the Lord to make things better in your life and then after you said “amen” went right back to doing the same things that you were doing before, don’t be surprised if your prayer goes unanswered. Its true, the Lord helps those that help themselves. Well start helping yourself. Get better training, dress differently, improve your vocabulary, learn a new skill and maybe your job situation will improve. Or tell your significant other you love them more, be more affectionate, be more trusting, open yourself up more and maybe your relationship will get better. Change your attitude, change your perspective on life and maybe your experiences will change.

Please check out the book I recommended and see how change is not about others. Its about yourself.

Cashmere the PRO aka RJ

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Classified - Self Explanatory album review

Self Explanatory
Sony Music Canada

As Classified’s career has developed from Emcee to Producer Who Raps, his skills have rapidly increased in potency. Classified once said in an interview that he tries to make every album better than his last. And once again, he has succeeded. There is no simple explanation for Self Explanatory. With previous albums, Halifax’s underground king channeled his energy battling the industry, haters, other emcees, and the perception of the Canadian rapper. Although he occasionally drifted from these topics, the majority of his albums were a testament to his frustration as a Canadian artist who obviously deserved more attention.

On Self Explanatory, he finally finds the perfect balance between lyrical master, song writer, and production genius. By straying a bit from those all-too familiar topics, he creates a spine-rattling collage of mainstream club bangers, less than typical slow jams, inspirational messages, underground lyrical fests, obligatory posse cuts, stories, and Canadian tributes. Class has always been a great producer, but 2005’s Boy-Cott-In The Industry saw a shift from simple Triton-inspired keyboard grooves to live guitars and chopped samples. Since that album, Luke Boyd has gone from bedroom beats to studio symphonies. Self Explanatory contains Luke’s best production to date, blending live instruments, cleverly chopped samples, vocal hooks, synthesizers, and singing into melodic grooves and neck-snapping head bangers.

Read the rest of this review for Classified - Self Explanatory


Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Ok, I’m going to make a lot of people mad with this one, but I have to say it. I have to say it on here because I can’t say it at home or I will either be hungry, have a pile of dirty clothes or be practicing a lot of self-love, but I still must say it.


Alright, so maybe that doesn’t sound like too much of a revelation, but the fact remains that that’s what he is now. A dead guy who made music. Great music. I mean really great music. And as a performer, he is unmatched. As an entertainer the man is unquestionably the greatest to have ever done it. But people, that is where it stops.

While I am grateful and admire his charity work, this does not place him in the greatest humanitarian class. The same rule applies to philanthropist as it does to rappers, IT AIN’T TRICKIN’ IF YOU GOT IT. Of course he gave millions to charities, he made hundreds of millions (I believe he grossed $1 billion). Its no different that Bill Gates foundation which has donated more than $30 billion. That is what rich people do. When they have built the biggest house they could build, and bought all the things they wanted to buy, and gave all the gifts to their friends and family that they wanted, they give their money away. But make no mistake, the man was not a revolutionary. In fact, NO MUSICIAN IS A REVOLUTIONARY. I’m not saying musicians don’t care. I’m just saying musicians ARE NOT the catalyst for change. “Where Are the World” hasn’t changed shit. “Heal the World” hasn’t stopped shit. For all the revolutionary music that he’s made, NOTHING HAS HAPPENED AS A RESULT OF THAT MUSIC.

There is a difference between revolutionaries and philanthropistS. Both are important. But revolutionaries are there on the front lines. They’re the ones risking jail time. They’re the ones putting their lives on the line for the causes they believe in. They’re the ones that go to government officials and challenge them. They’re the ones that spend the most amount of time with the people truly affected by the causes their fighting for. Philanthropist fund the research and fund the overhead. Thank you, it is appreciated. But who do you cheer for at a game, the players or the owners? The ones taking the bumps and bruises or the ones who fund it?

I’m not saying Michael didn’t care. But have you ever seen him talk about mentoring or issues in the hood? Ever seen him in the heart of the ghetto trying to change things? No. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t care because he’s given hundreds of thousands to Big Brothers, Community Youth Sports (LA), and the United Negro College Fund. But did he ever go to Capitol Hill to try to push some legislation through that would actually help people? Did he ever spend days and nights in bad, dilapitated areas trying to figure out ways to help people? The price of Neverland Ranch could’ve rebuilt thousands of families’ lives in New Orleans.

Folks, no disrespect. I’m not saying he wasn’t an entertainment “Icon”. But for change to come, it requires action. It requires being there personally. It requires risks. It requires more than just a song about it.


Cashmere the PRO aka RJ

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Game Done Changed....

I’m not gonna lie. I’m an elitist. I learned this while talking to an ultra-conservative, libertarian at my job yesterday regarding Obama and Palin. So now that I have this information about myself I wondered how it applied to other areas of my life, specifically (for this blog) hiphop. And what I realized is that I have to come to terms with the fact that the game has changed.

Now aside from the fact that personally to me emcees are just less creative and that music has become about who can fashion the best “dance” song or ringtone, but the way emcees market and advertise has changed dramatically. Its no longer about making a hit, its about getting hits. Its not about selling a million units, its about having a million visitors. In the electronic age, your buzz is not simply generated by your mixtapes and how hot your tracks are, but by how much controversy you can stir up from your youtube video. Joe Budden, Solja Boy, Ice T, and a hoard of other artist are now capitalizing on the fact that 90% of their target audience is on the internet. And not just using the internet occassionally, but I mean hardcore attached to the internet. Not just on their computers at home and work, but they follow these things on their cell phones. This is proven by Twitter which means that as a follower, you are basically saying ‘I am so dedicated to this person that I am willing to check their twitter page 50 times a day just to see if they bought ice cream the same flavor as me’. But these artists know what they’re doing. This is all part of the entertainment package. You don’t just get mediocre music with your artist, but now you get up to the minute details of their boring ass life, which only seems less boring because they happen to make mediocre music.

I guess I can’t hate what’s going on, but the elitist side of me does. The elitist side of me hates fakes ass “reality” shows because studios don’t want to pay writers to come up with creative shit like Cheers, Seinfield, and 24. It hates that because I can take a camcorder (or phone video) of me talking shit about somebody else and because its somewhat funny it gives me a pass to make wack ass music devoid of any creativity. It hates that what has happened is that the listening audience is more focused on the day-to-day activities of an artist’s girl than the artist’s music. It hates that the world has become so brain-dead that it can’t see how instead of creating our own adventures and our own excitement we rather leech off someone else’s.

Guess I need to get my camcorder ready. GREY EP COMING BITCHES!!! I need to start a beef.


Cashmere the PRO aka RJ

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The 5 Things I Hate the Most

So my new job allows me so much more time to be cynical and over-analytical of every little thing that goes on around me and therefore I decided to start a blog. I hope that on a regular basis I can make it entertaining, enjoyable, insightful or just an excellent waste of 10 minutes of your time. (yes, I expect you to devote at least 10 minutes to it). While at the risk of being wordy, here is a short list of 5 things I hate the most. Please feel free to comment:

5) Baby Mamas - these broads are a coalition of evil that inspires North Korea, Iraq and Sprint. They are the most hateful and vindictive brand of woman and rarely is there a reasonable one in the bunch. Women that you once thought were sweet, loving, caring and understanding become the most scorned and vengeful bitches in the world the minute that they realize that men are not going to be super nice to them anymore when they're not fuckin' them.

4) Musicians Who Thank God When Getting An Award When All They Do Is Sinful Sh!t – Rappers should be immediately exempt from thanking God when they get an award. How in the hell can you make a record glorifying drug selling, drug use, violence, fornication, violence, misogony, disrespect for your elders, drug selling, and violence and then turn around and thank God? Sorry Jeezy, but while HE may co-sign your president being black, I don’t think HE’s co-signing your cocaine being white.

3) Clorox 2 – that shit doesn’t do shit to your colors and its virtually useless on your whites. False advertising like a muhfucka. I could’ve used that 4.59 on some Brats or heavy duty plastic plates that would’ve served more of a purpose than thinking everytime I take my clothes out the washer “Is this more bluer than it was when it went in?” If anybody notices the difference in their clothes I need before and after pics.

2) Hatin’ Ass Co-Workers – is there almost anything in life, other than baby muthas, that makes your everyday life most unlivable. These are individuals that use every opportunity to complain, blame, degrade, upset, criticize, whine, nitpick and generally make your workday as unbearable as possible with their complete and utter discontent with their own lives. And somehow no matter how cool you try to be, you still managed to get sucked into their whirlpool of pessimism and destruction. If you don’t see this at your job, then that means this paragraph was for you you hatin’ ass bastard/bitch.

1) MetroPCS – ok, so maybe this let’s people know that either my phone credit is not good enough for a Sprint or Verizon phone or that I’m just very ghetto and like the idea of paying $50 a month for unlimited everything (provided I never leave the city, which I don’t unless I’m on vacation and if I’m on vacation I don’t want you fuckin’ calling me anyway). But the bill payment people are the most unforgiving bastards in history. While I understand that there is no grace period, there is also no paper bill. So there are time where you may forget that your bill was due on the 11th as opposed to the 12th or 13th. Minor oversight. Understand that it also varies a day or two every month which they notify you via text message which undoubtedly gets deleleted just after the “Jesus’ Moneybags, send to 10 people” text. However, I am positive that an ex-girlfriend that we may have had a particularly bad breakup works for this company and keeps my picture, with several push pin holes thru my face in it as well as several obsenities scribbled randomly on it, in her cube with my due date right next to it. I am imagining her diligently performing a New Years Eve style countdown right as 12:01am hits on the 12th and I am mid-sentence as she goes “Fuck that, you punk ass niggah, if you ain’t calling me, you won’t be calling nobody you non-bill paying mutha fucka”…disconnect. The reason why I hate Metro is because everybody else that I know that has a Metro has never had this happen to them. I have several friends who have had their phones on almost a full week passed their due date with no disconnection. Metro WTF?

Well, that’s just the start. I promise not to be so cynical and mean about everything if yall promise to actually read it and comment intelligently. :P

Cashmere the PROfessional aka RJ

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Leah George: ‘I believe in miracles… where you from? You sexy thing.’

At the risk of sounding like a crazy stalker, I just want to tell you how much I love you. You are the only thing on RNews that makes sitting through 5 minutes of Dan Eaton’s drizzle coated Pesto sauces even remotely tolerable.

When I first saw you on TV, I thought you were cute, but I honestly didn’t pay that much attention. Over the past year, I have seen you out in public about six times… at Matthews, at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, at the Jazz Fest, at East End Fest, at the That Taste Of Rochester, etc. Well now I just can’t get you out of my head.

You are easily the most beautiful news anchor in Rochester. In fact, you look way better in person than you do on television. I know some locals will argue that Jennifer Johnson is the best looking media personality in the area, but I firmly disagree. I actually saw Jennifer about 30 minutes after you walked by me at The Taste Of Rochester and I must say… it’s not even a contest. In Jennifer’s defense, I’m not a big fan of blondes. Yes, she is an attractive woman, but she is no Leah George.

I personally think you crush Jennifer in every category. I may get in trouble for this one, but Jennifer seems just a bit too cocky. Granted, I’ve never spoken to her, but she tends to carry herself a bit high. Perhaps I’m way off base on this, so Jennifer… if you do read this, I’d be more than happy to share a cocktail with you and straighten this whole situation out… but in the meantime, I suggest you bow to the Queen of Roc… Miss Leah George.

I could be way off base here, but you don’t seem to be as full of yourself as Jennifer. Every time I see you out, you appear to be having a great time. You seem approachable, fun, and WOW… what a body! You are absolutely stunning from every angle. I’m sorry gorgeous… I just can’t scratch the ‘itch.’ Miss Monroe would roll over in her grave if she saw you walk over a steam vent in a white dress.

I won’t go into further detail for fear of sounding even more ridiculous than I already do, but I just want to give you props where props are due. Hopefully next time I see you out, we can share a drink or two. Perhaps a bottle of Riesling on the deck at the Pelican’s Nest or a boat ride down the canal in the moonlight. In the meantime, make it do what it do and stay beautiful.

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